Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Odd Couple

Speaking of the weird couple that was at the lake with me last weekend, I went to a friends party last night and there were numerous odd couples there.  I when I speak of odd, I mean one was really hot and the other was definitely not!  This one couple in particular last night was complete polar opposites of one another.  He was tall, dark, muscular, chiseled face and tan while his partner was short, fat, bald, and wore glasses.  This may sound like a joke, but it wasn't.  My mouth dropped when I found out those two were together.  I didn't understand.

The other couple was my friend who had the party.  Older, in his 40's, muscular, gray hair, taller while his new boy is a twink in his early twenties!!!  I couldn't believe it when he introduced me to him.  Another couple wasn't as bad, just noticeably different in the hottness factor, but nothing to gawk about.

So here I was, astonished at these couples and the differences I could see on the outside.  But then I thought, here I am alone wanting to be with someone and all I notice are the hot guys who don't seem to want anything with me.  Maybe that's where I'm going wrong, THAT is where i'm going wrong.  Sure these guys are different when it comes to their appearances, but perhaps they are meant for each other for many more reasons than looks.  They all seemed genuinely happy (well the ugly boys should be since they are with significantly hotter partners!)  kidding.... kinda.

I see it alot with hetero couples, a hot girl with a dumpy guy... but I had never seen it in the gay community like that before.  I therefore proceeded to get extra drunk off sangria and pass out.  I had fun, met a couple new friends and perhaps had a breakthough.  I still don't know if I don't have a physical attraction to someone though if a relationship could work, or if I would even give it a try?  Only time will tell I guess... time to call it an evening and enjoy the rest of my sunday.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Lake time

Yep, that's me.  Yep, I got burnt.  But I had the most amazing time boating last weekend.  It was exactly what I needed and couldn't of asked for more.  The weather was perfect, the people were awesome, the drinks were abound, and there was no drama.  I met two really cute boys, did some flirting, made tons of new friends and it made me miss Indy :(

The only weird thing about boat day was this couple that was there.  This older gentleman maybe 35?  had this 19 year old bf.  Yep, you read that correctly.  Well they were only friends with the guy who organized this so no one else really knew them.  But later we found out that they don't even have sex, that the older guy just buys the younger one things, including a new Mustang!  Yes, he bought his little twink who doesn't put out a car.  If i had a couple more drinks in me, I would've offered my services to this guy and I would've put out for a car!  Hahah just kidding.  Kinda.  But for real, they were really weird and awkward the whole day.  I don't like twinks, never have, never will...

Other than the weird couple, it was awesome, I had a great time and now i'm peeling on my shoulders and back :)  Signs of a good time!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

What have I become?

So i took today off completely.  I didn't have to work, it was my day off from the gym, my day off from dieting and i feel horrible about it!  Wherever you read it says "you need to take a day off from dieting and the gym to help your body recover."  But now I'm obsessing over it.  I may be developing a little body dysmorphia ;) jk jk I still pigged out today.

I do however hate those people who are so strict with their workouts and diets that they become overwhelmed with them.   A friend of mine is like that, 2+ hours at the gym a day, periods of bulking and cutting, overeating and's just not right.  I hit my max at an hour and a half at the gym and sometimes I can't help that late night resse cup :(  But to those of you who are hardcore, kudos to you.  For me, I'll stick to feeling a little guilty after my binge day.

I used to be fun

I swear I was a barrel of monkey's before I moved back home to Ohio!  When I lived in Indy I would go out every weekend with friends, have lunch with friends daily, go see movies, go run on the canal, and just overall enjoy life.  Not in Ohio.  I know 4 people here, I haven't gone out in 5 months, I haven't drank since my birthday in May, and now I go to movies by myself :(

Now when I was in grad school I wasn't really complaining because I was so busy, now I just work, workout, and play tennis.  Not a bad life considering, but I need to spice it up a little.  Luckily for me, I'll be going to a lake next weekend with some friends from Indy so at least I'll have a little r&r this summer.

But here's the thing, because I have lived such a dull life, my body has never been in better shape!!!  I have time to work out 6 days a week, not drinking alcohol has done wonders for my waistline, and playing so much tennis really has got me in great shape! Soon I will show you my before and after pics, but until now i'll hold you in suspense :)

So I guess you give a little, take a little?  Is that the right phrase for this situation?  hahah i dunno.  Enjoy your sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Why did i

So tonight I am on facebook and was looking up a friend with the same first name as "mr. future husband."  and low and behold mr. future husband showed up with his profile picture of him and his boyfriend.  someone literally stabbed me in the heart!!!!  ugh, that sucked :(  i literally thought i was pretty much over it, but that hurt real bad.  like heart racing, stomach churning, limb numbing, pain...

gotta fix this soon.  any suggestions? :(